Friday, August 14, 2009

Water Drops - Behind the Shot

Water Drops - Behind the Shot

water-drop-photography.jpgOne of the things I love about what is happening over in our forum area is that we’ve got thousands of photographers (there are actually 55,000 registered members now) all experimenting with different styles of photography.

While some are Pros (we have a growing community of them) many are practicing their photography in their spare time using the resources available to them.

As they learn they share what they discover and how they’re achieving their results.

One such example of that this one of our members Arlon who recently give us a glimpse behind some of his Water Drop photography (see his Water Drop Gallery here).

Arlon wrote:

“Water drops have always been a fascination of mine. Awhile back I tried my luck at a few and settled on a way that worked pretty easily for me. Here are a few drops and a self explaining shot of my setup. Takes me about 10 shots for every keeper.”

Arlon also went to the trouble of photographing the setup of these shots and annotating it as follows:


The full thread in our forums (others are sharing their setups too) on this topic is located here. Stop by to share your own experiences.

Post from: Digital Photography School - Photography Tips.

Water Drops - Behind the Shot

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