Thursday, September 09, 2010

[Reviews] SlimDrivers Beta Provides Automatic Updates for Your Windows PC

[Reviews] SlimDrivers Beta Provides Automatic Updates for Your Windows PC: "


SlimDrivers is a utility currently in Public Beta that allows you to easily update your computer hardware drivers. It provides an easy way to update PC drivers, back them up, roll them back if they don’t work, and allows you to schedule updates as well.

Setup and Use

Installation is easy following the wizard and accepting the defaults.


When it launches your met by an easy to use interface showing your PC Overview and will be prompt you to start your first scan.


The scan will kick off and check for hardware drivers updates and also Windows Updates.


When we tested it on our Gateway Core i3 system it found 18 driver updates that we didn’t know about for the system. When the results are displayed you can choose to ignore certain updates that you know you don’t want. Or if you want to take the plunge you can download them all…although we don’t recommend it.


On another system running Windows Home Premium it found 22 Updates which include two Windows Updates.


For testing purposes we went ahead and had it download and install all the recommended driver updates. You will be met with the following message asking if you’re sure, and that it may require several restarts.


Then it offers to create a Restore before continuing which is a cool feature for the average user. Make sure you click Yes to this message.


It creates a Restore Point for Windows and also backs up the current versions of the drivers.


Now it will start downloading the drivers for your devices. You will then be prompted to run through some of the driver install wizards. For example here we are installing an update for our HP printer.


If an update requires a restart SlimDrivers will let you know and you can restart it directly from the UI.


After you get back SlimDrivers will launch again and continue to download and install the selected drivers.


And you’ll be prompted to go through the other hardware driver wizards that are presented.


We ran into a case where the computer had a newer version of the one it found. It displayed a screen asking if we want to overwrite the newest driver with the old one…of course we selected no.


Now that all the drivers have been installed, we see that our computer is up to date.


Other Features & Options

At the top of the user interface there is a toolbar with different options for managing your drivers.


If you want to uninstall a driver click on the icon and you can browse to the one you want to uninstall.


In the Options section you can setup how it updates, Driver backup location, and schedule it to automatically check for driver updates.


You can manually backup your drivers at any time too.


It also gives you the ability to easily restore a driver if it isn’t working or making your system unstable.


Keep in mind that SlimDrivers is still in beta so you may experience bugs and incorrect results. We found it extremely easy to use, and it protects you by backing up your current drivers and restoring them if something goes wrong. If you want an easier way to keep your Windows PC hardware up to date you might want to consider SlimDrivers.

Download SlimDrivers Public Beta

[Reviews] SlimDrivers Beta Provides Automatic Updates for Your Windows PC

[Reviews] SlimDrivers Beta Provides Automatic Updates for Your Windows PC: "


SlimDrivers is a utility currently in Public Beta that allows you to easily update your computer hardware drivers. It provides an easy way to update PC drivers, back them up, roll them back if they don’t work, and allows you to schedule updates as well.

Setup and Use

Installation is easy following the wizard and accepting the defaults.


When it launches your met by an easy to use interface showing your PC Overview and will be prompt you to start your first scan.


The scan will kick off and check for hardware drivers updates and also Windows Updates.


When we tested it on our Gateway Core i3 system it found 18 driver updates that we didn’t know about for the system. When the results are displayed you can choose to ignore certain updates that you know you don’t want. Or if you want to take the plunge you can download them all…although we don’t recommend it.


On another system running Windows Home Premium it found 22 Updates which include two Windows Updates.


For testing purposes we went ahead and had it download and install all the recommended driver updates. You will be met with the following message asking if you’re sure, and that it may require several restarts.


Then it offers to create a Restore before continuing which is a cool feature for the average user. Make sure you click Yes to this message.


It creates a Restore Point for Windows and also backs up the current versions of the drivers.


Now it will start downloading the drivers for your devices. You will then be prompted to run through some of the driver install wizards. For example here we are installing an update for our HP printer.


If an update requires a restart SlimDrivers will let you know and you can restart it directly from the UI.


After you get back SlimDrivers will launch again and continue to download and install the selected drivers.


And you’ll be prompted to go through the other hardware driver wizards that are presented.


We ran into a case where the computer had a newer version of the one it found. It displayed a screen asking if we want to overwrite the newest driver with the old one…of course we selected no.


Now that all the drivers have been installed, we see that our computer is up to date.


Other Features & Options

At the top of the user interface there is a toolbar with different options for managing your drivers.


If you want to uninstall a driver click on the icon and you can browse to the one you want to uninstall.


In the Options section you can setup how it updates, Driver backup location, and schedule it to automatically check for driver updates.


You can manually backup your drivers at any time too.


It also gives you the ability to easily restore a driver if it isn’t working or making your system unstable.


Keep in mind that SlimDrivers is still in beta so you may experience bugs and incorrect results. We found it extremely easy to use, and it protects you by backing up your current drivers and restoring them if something goes wrong. If you want an easier way to keep your Windows PC hardware up to date you might want to consider SlimDrivers.

Download SlimDrivers Public Beta

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Top 10 UK Technology Blogs

Top 10 UK Technology Blogs: "
Technology Blog Top 10

Technology Blog Top 10

This month at Ebuyer HQ we thought we’d share with you the cream of the crop of UK Technology Bloggers! Most of the major Technology Blogs and Sites are American, but we wanted to bring it back to Blighty and share with you some of the best British Tech Blogs. Below is a list of blogs giving you the low down on the latest technology developments and product reviews, from laptops, to iphones, washing machines, to digital cameras, one of these blogs is sure to give you technology loving folk all the info you could ever need.


Zath is a fantastic blog with a focus on getting the best out of hi tech gadgets and finding the best quality gaming out there. With News, Games and Reviews of the latest technology, Zath covers general computing technology, hi-tech gadgets, and keeps you up to speed with the latest gaming developments


Electric Pig keeps you up to date with all of the latest gadget news and developments. With News, Reviews, Videos, Galleries, and Competitions Electricpig aims to give you the scoop on the latest technology, the most exciting innovations and product developments, and the best informed rumours. They promise to do this with no fluff, making sure that each news story or feature comes “laced with a fat dollop of unabashed gut-felt opinion.” For straight talking and straight to the point product reviews Electric Pig ticks all the boxes.

Photography Blog

For all you photography enthusiasts out there, or even those of you who just want to find an in depth review to help you to decide which camera you should go for, the Photography Blog is where it’s at. Arguably one of the best Photography Blogs on the internet, this site has oodles of in depth camera reviews, price comparisons, and buying guides. Along with fantastic images, competitions, and community area, the Photography Blog offers all the up to date info about cameras you could ever wish for, all in one place.


Unbeatable offers a wide selection of product reviews covering almost every technology you can imagine, from computers and other electronics, to kitchen appliances, mobile phones, TV and DVDs, Video Games and much more, Unbeatable compares the prices charged by retailers across this huge range of consumer products, and helps you find the best buy!


Gaj-it is a fun friendly technology blog, that keeps you up to date with all the latest product news, reviews, and how to’s. With Gift Guides, Competitions, and much more, Gaj-it is a great blog to get your teeth stuck in to.


CNET provides expert tech reviews for those of you who are seeking a straight talking savvy product review. With a specific section of the site dedicated to Gadget Reviews, CNET present Crave; the gadget blog where all of the latest gadgets and gizmos on CNET are reviewed and discussed in full. The range of products reviewed and technology news available on CNET is huge, all presented in a user friendly way, meaning you can find the review you want, and find it fast. In addition to all of this CNET also has an active forum available for users, video content, and price comparisons.

Pocket Lint

Pocket Lint is more of a website than a blog, but it’s such a good site we wanted to include it anyway. Pocket Lint is the largest independent gadget news and review site in the UK, offering a plethora of up to date info about everything tech. With video content, photo galleries, news and reviews covering every gadget and technological contraption you can think of, Pocket Lint is a fantastic resource giving you to straight to the point reviews and breaking technology news stories, a definite winner.

Bit Tech

bit-tech is the one stop shop for “tech enthusiasts, early adopters, modders and gamers.” Bit-tech covers everything from computer hardware, gaming, modding and other technology. With a large forum for readers bit-tech is a real treat for the inner geek.

Stuff is also more of a website than a blog per se, but we had to include it for your viewing pleasure. Brought to you by the team of gadget loving “go-getters” from the publishers of Stuff, the World’s best selling Gadget Magazine, includes a dedicated Blog section, a user review area, and an active forum for you to discuss any tech related gossip you may have.

Stuff is your guide to the world of gadgets and technology, with all the news on the latest happenings and new product releases, and detailed product reviews. also provide you with lots of video content, and Top 10 Run Downs, competitions, and not to mention “The Cool List.”


TechRadar is “unashamedly geeky” about technology, and is the largest UK based consumer technology news and reviews site. These guys work hard to bring you all the latest news and developments on the technology front, and promise to review products more thoroughly than anyone else. With several different blogs, each dedicated to a different area of technological goodness, there is a mammoth of information available to readers, not to mention the TechRadar Store, Forum, News and Reviews Sections of the site.

So there you have it, that’s our pick of the Best UK Technology Blogs out there! Make sure you let us know in the comments section of any we’ve missed out and we will make sure to include them in the list.

So then, which is your favourite one stop Technology Blog or Website for the latest news and reviews?

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Newborn Photography Tips for Beginners

Newborn Photography Tips for Beginners: "

Image by mootje_ mootje

  1. It can be exciting photographing a newborn so compose a list of shots you want to take before you pick up the camera. Grab these ‘safe shots’ first and once you have this selection in the bag, start to get creative with new angles and ideas.

  2. The best lens to use when photographing any type of portrait is a fast 50/85mm prime lens. Operating at wide apertures (small f number) will allow you to work in darker environments and capture stills with the focus on your subject and a blurred backdrop to remove distraction.

  3. If you’re uncomfortable operating in manual mode then plump for Aperture Priority and opt for a wide aperture of f4 or f5.6. Focus on your subject’s face and include a section of the backdrop into the frame. This is where an interesting or colourful background can make the scene more dynamic. Alternatively position yourself at the end of the child and focus on the feet – throwing the rest of his/her frame into a creatively blur.

  4. Attach a zoom lens to vary the composition of your shots; catering for up close cute pictures of feet, hands, nose or ears for example and then span out wide to grab contextual portraits or ones that reveal the entire length of the child.

  5. As with any portrait pictures you’ll want to use even light. Avoid flash at all costs – not only is this disruptive to the calm atmosphere you want to create but it can rob the image of texture and tone. Position the cot or child near a window (using a white sheet or curtain to diffuse if it is a particularly bright day. Remember to exposure for the face.

  6. Declutter the scene of distracting items such as nappies or bottles and incorporate soft blankets for interesting colours and texture. Consider placing props such as a loved toy or teddy to emphasis size.

  7. Black and white images can carry more emotion that their colourful counterparts so experiment when photographing or editing images post shoot. Some cameras offer this as a menu choice but so you don’t restrict yourself it is advisable to shoot in colour and desaturate or select a B&W option in an editing program later. Play around with curves in Photoshop or the Presets in Lightroom to control contrast and brightness of the shadows, midtones and highlights.

  8. As newborns grow at such a daunting pace, many proud parents choose to photograph their tots at periodical intervals to chart the change. A collection of these images printed in a photobook can make a wonderful gift for a family member.

  9. To emphasis the petite proportions of your newborn try taking images with the parent. For example – baby’s hand on mum and dad’s hand, or the baby’s feet in between the fathers. Use a wide aperture and ramp up ISO if shooting in low light environments.

  10. The best time to shoot an infant is arguably after he/she has had a feed and has been put down for a nap. The noise of the shutter shouldn’t disturb them and means you can move their little hands and feet delicately without resistance or movement.

Post from: Digital Photography School - Photography Tips.


Newborn Photography Tips for Beginners

Console to USB Adapters Connect Gamepads to Your PC, Save You Money [Stuff We Like]

Console to USB Adapters Connect Gamepads to Your PC, Save You Money [Stuff We Like]: "
PC peripheral manufacturers like Logitech have been making gamepads for years now, but you can save a lot of money by just buying a cheap USB adapter for your old PlayStation or Xbox controllers. More »

Monday, September 06, 2010

[Reviews] Postbox

[Reviews] Postbox: "


Many people only use webmail today, but we’ve often found that desktop email programs can save you time and keep you productive even when your internet connection is down. Postbox is an innovative new email program that brings the best of popular webmail features, such as tagging and conversation view, and combines it with social media and content discovery features to give you the best of both worlds in a desktop email program. Postbox is based on Thunderbird and is in fact designed by many from the Thunderbird team, so if you love Thunderbird but would like more advanced features, this is definitely an email program you’ll want to check out.

Key Features:

  • Fast email search with advanced search operators

  • Makes it easy to find all images, attachments, and links in your emails, and then easily add them to new emails

  • Social network integration

  • Conversation view for emails makes it easy to keep related emails together


Postbox is very easy to install, and the installation process works very much like Firefox or Thunderbird’s installation. When you run the installer, it will first extract the files.


Then you’ll see a standard installer window; simply install as normal.


The Setup automatically selects to use Postbox as your default mail application. If you’re just trying it out and want to keep your existing email program as default, be sure to uncheck the box during the setup.


Once installation is finished, you can run Postbox to get started using it. Enter your name, email address, and password to get started.


Postbox will then try to automatically find and setup you email account without any more input, and it found our account info within seconds. If it doesn’t find your email server info automatically, click Manual Setup; otherwise, click Finish to start using it.


Postbox will now automatically sync with your email account, and within minutes you’ll be ready to start using your new email program.


If you didn’t select to make Postbox the default email program during setup, it will ask again when you first run it. Simply uncheck the box on the bottom to keep from being prompted again.


When you first run Postbox, you’ll be reminded to purchase or enter your license key.


Once you’ve purchased Postbox, you can enter your license info by clicking Register in the drop-down notification, or select License in the Help menu.


When you purchase Postbox, you’ll receive a License Code in an email. Enter your name and License Code in the popup window exactly as they appear in the email.


You’ll immediately see if your license code was entered correctly. When you see License code confirmed, click Ok to continue.


Now click Ok again to close the window and start using Postbox.



One of the first things you’ll notice in Postbox is the buttons on the top right under the search box. These give you quick access to all Attachments, Images, and Links in your emails.


Here we can see all images that are attached to emails we’ve received, and can quickly open the relevant email, save the picture, or send it in a new email.


Here’s the link view, showing all links received in emails.


Each of these special search folders will open in a new Firefox-style tab, which makes it easy to switch between your content and emails.


Then, when you’re composing emails, you can quickly add any images, attachments, or more that have been included in previous emails to your new email directly from the sidebar.


When you’re reading new emails, Postbox will highlight important information, including links, attachments, addresses, and more in a sidebar pane. This is very similar to Xobni for Outlook, and works very nicely.


Postbox also includes full support for conversation view in messages, which lets you see all the emails sent back and forth in a single conversation together.


Your conversation emails will appear inline in the reading pane, and you can show or hide each one.


One features we really enjoyed was the quick preview of the contents of a folder in tooltips. Simply hover over a folder, and you’ll see the titles and the first part of new messages in that folder.


You can also keep up with your emails by assigning Topics, which work similar to tags in Gmail. This is a nice feature that is not usually included in desktop email programs.


Postbox also integrates social networking directly in your email experience. If you think of something you want to tell your friends or the world, click the Post button in the toolbar, and select your favorite network.


Now enter your status update, and click Update.


The first time you use a network, you’ll need to authenticate it, but after that, you can post an update in just two clicks. Postbox will also use your social network login to add user avatars to your emails.


If you select text in an email and right-click it, you can instantly search for info about that topic or post it as an update to your favorite social network directly from Postbox.


And if you need more features, Postbox supports a wide variety of extensions, including the popular Lightening extension from Thunderbird.


Performance and Support

Postbox’ performance was great for the most part, but it was slow at times accessing IMAP folders. On folders we didn’t access regularly, it often took several seconds to display the emails.


To speed this up, open your Account Settings from the Tools menu.


In the Account Options window, select Offline & Disk Space on the left side, then click Select folders for offline use.


Now select the folders that you want to be stored offline. Once the initial download is complete, it will be much faster to access the mail in these folders.


From the Tools menu, you can also select to Index All Folders to speed up search even more. If you haven’t already downloaded your messages, this step will have Postbox download the messages first, then index them.


Postbox has a very helpful and easy to understand help section on their website, as well as a quickstart tutorial that you’ll see when you first download Postbox. Do note that Postbox help is only available online, so you won’t be able to access the help files while your internet connection is down.



If you’re looking for a new email program that gives you more features than your standard webmail or free email app, Postbox is a great option. The quick search features that let you easily find attachments, images, and links are very helpful and timesaving, and the auto-filled address book works great. Postbox feels very polished, and is much more on the par of Outlook than Thunderbird or other free email apps.

Postbox is available for purchase directly from their website for $39.95, and students are eligible to purchase Postbox at a 50% discount. You can download and install a free 30-day trial to see if you’d like it before you actually purchase. Alternately, Postbox Express is a free, scaled-down version of Postbox that includes less features, but is available fully for free.

Works on Windows 7, Vista, and XP, as well as Mac OS X.

Download and Purchase Postbox

Extra Links

Learn More About Postbox Features

Get Started Easily with the Postbox Quickstart Guide

Learn more about the free Postbox Express

Compare Postbox and Postbox Express